2010년 3월 30일 화요일


Hello글꼴 크기!! My blog.
You are my first blog, so I'm excited! Hahahaha
Dear blog, I'll fill you up with many writings about music.
I love music and musicals.
I hope you love it too.
Today is very first time, so I'll talk about My Music.
The first meeting with music was when I was 5 years old.
Of course I heard lots of music before that, but I started to learn playing piano at that time.
I was very excited about playing music.
Following my fingers the music was completed.
Music was my best friend from then on.
I'm always happy if I have music, so I decided what I'll do
I'll be a musical actress, because I want to live with music eternally.
Please, cheer me!! I'll be a broadway star! Hahaha